Monday, November 18, 2013

This is for all wolves who are still here because they can't protect themselves from us because we have began to hunt them constantly. I will never stop as long as there are animals or fish birds anything is endangered because of us. So what just watch out for the black wolf. She is the hunter of all hunters. If you see her you better be running because you will be hunted in your sleep if she finds you I will see you at her judgement day.Wolves are a symbol of freedom and reckless beauty roaming where their hearts take them and this Earth is their home as much as ours. Protect them and protect this earth's beauty.


  1. yeah people need to not kill wolves

  2. if you like wolves maybe you should go live with them

  3. I would if I could Makayla. I would if I could.

  4. Go wolves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
