This is the red wolf. there are less than 100 of these wolves because they were hunted and left to die. Would you like it if they were you and you were them and they hunted you and left you to die? Well think about it and let me know because that's exactly what we are doing to them. It's not too late for these helpless creatures so lets not stop helping the wild because the wild is where I feel is going down and that's also what is causing the red wolf population decrease. Let's not stop until most of the forests are back to the way they were before we started destroying them and increase the endangered species because they never harm us unless they are in danger. They have to fight to survive and survive they shall! If they helped us once lets help them because if they die there will be more animals that die because they helped us so let's return the favor by helping them. this proves how they are helping us even though they are not going to survive! They help us so let's help them This song is called Stand in the rain. They live in the rain and fight to survive so join the fight and together we can stand it so help join the fight and stand through the pain and they won't drown. They won't make a sound even with the fears whispering that if they stand up they will fall into a darkness that we can keep them from so join the fight and help tha]=ose that helped mus once upon a time. They helped us so let's help them.